Lessons From Top 5 Famous Logos in The World

famous logos

A logo is like the face of your company. It welcomes the user, creates the first impression, and influences their decision to work with you. There is a reason why the most memorable logos globally are iconic and unforgettable. We will explore 5 such famous logos today and crack the mystery behind their success. 

How Are Famous Logos Made?

The main point is to instantly recognize, align with the brand values and possess unique characteristics to your logo design. They need to build a relationship with the customers and convey a powerful message. The icing on the cake is if the logo can convey multiple meanings in a clever yet minimalistic manner. In an ever-evolving world, human psychology still remains pretty much the same. The way we perceive colors, fonts, shapes, and sizes affect the way we think. Once we go through a few famous brands, a pattern will emerge. This will help you refine your own logo and make it the best possible version of itself. Ready to dive into the brains behind successful companies? Let’s go!

1. Apple

Famous Logos - Apple

Apple came up with its first logo back in 1976. It was a picture of Issac newton sitting below an apple tree. Smart right? Not quite! Apple quickly learned the importance of aligning the logo to its brand values. Cue – the famous bitten apple that we see today! And the change worked wonders for them. Not only was it instantly recognizable [who can look at an apple and not think of Apple?] but also conveyed the brand personality. The minimal look of the apple represents the sleek look of Apple products. Their solid single color depicts style and sophistication. 

Fun Fact! Did you know that the bite in the Apple actually represents a byte of data! 

Lesson – Simplicity, Clever Depiction of Brand Identity, Sophistication & Minimalism

2. Target

Famous Logos - Target

Another classic example of a logo that depicts the brand name, literally. The logo of Target is … well… a target! This bulls-eye is more famous than any other. This logo stands out due to the use of strong shapes and bold colors. Not just that, the bullseye is globally recognized! The negative space between the red circles beautifully represents a circle of honesty, transparency, trust, and friendship. The red denotes strength, passion, and attention – directly aligning with the company values. Isn’t it amazing how much thought goes behind creating such a simple logo? 

Lesson – Color psychology, class, simplicity, minimalism, and global characteristics. 

3. FedEx

Famous Logos - FedEx

Everyone knows where to find the hidden arrow in a FedEx logo [If you didn’t until now, welcome to the club!] A logo with one of the best and most innovative ways of using negative spaces. But why an arrow? Speed, precision, and movement. Isn’t that what FedEx is all about? It also amps up its branding game by using different colors for the “Ex” in FedEx to represent different verticals of the logistics company. This way each color conveys a different meaning and is easily identifiable to the end-user. 

Lesson –  Use of negative space, simple design, and a perfect “ooooh” moment for customers once they spot the arrow. 

4. Google

Other than some very minor changes, the Google logo has pretty much stood the test of time. It has a fresh, modern, and attractive look with a custom font [much like the iconic Coca-Cola font]. Also just like Apple, Google is extremely simple, suggesting that they are easily accessible to the masses, which is a partial reason for the success of this company. The use of multi-colors also has a meaning.

Fun Fact! Google only uses primary colors in its logo, except for the color green which is actually a secondary color. 

Why? Because Google wanted to show that they don’t follow the rules and that everyone is included and welcome. 

Lesson – Simplicity, modernization, smart color selection, & customization.

5. Mercedes

Mercedes is a brand that does not require any text to be recognized. The iconic 3-pronged star is not only famous but also a status symbol [ talk about a successful logo]. But this tiny star is packed with meaning. Each prong represents a segment of the automobile industry – sea, land, and air. The silver color used depicts endurance, dependability, quality, and class. The circle that encases the star symbolizes elegance and charm and a sense of trust. Also, the font used exudes luxury- a perfect example of how a font can add personality to your brand. Can you even picture a clunky, bold Mercedes font? What impression does that make on you as a consumer? 

Lesson – Elegance, Class, Luxury, Meaning, Clever use of fonts to add personality. 


In the 5 case studies of famous logos around the world that we went through, did you notice a pattern? Let me simplify it for you in a few sentences.

  • Each logo is largely relatable and easy to understand.
  • The logo beautifully depicts what the brand does and what it stands for.
  • Minimalistic design goes a long way to carve itself in the minds of consumers.
  • Giving a clever twist to your simple logo will make it more interesting. 
  • A simple logo can also pack different meanings in it. You don’t need to overthink and complicate it.
  • Perfect choice of color, font, and shapes.
  • Maximum 1-2 colors, fonts or shapes used.

That’s it! All you need to know to create an iconic logo. Not rocket science right? The mantra is to keep it simple. Pay special attention to what feelings your logo arouses in the minds of consumers. Don’t forget to align your brand values and style with your logo and you are good to go. Hoping to see your brand listed as a “famous logo” soon. It’s brainstorming time!

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