Top WordPress experts express their love for WordPress

Thanks to promising statistics, WordPress is considered to be one of the best tools for sculpting a website. Whatever be the nature of your website, WordPress can prove to be a potent web development contender & over 60 million websites are there to prove the same.

But despite being an optimist, I prefer being a realist. Hence as a newbie I asked myself, why WordPress? To get a concrete answer, I reached out to the creme dela crème of WordPress experts and asked them to state reasons to justify why they chose WordPress as the preferred web building tool.

They responded in kind and revealed reasons which portrayed their love for WordPress. Below mentioned are the list of eminent WordPress experts and concise statements that clearly describes the reason, why they just adore WordPress.

Read on and find out what made these WordPress Experts instill so much trust in WordPress.

Nemanja Aleksic from MANAGE WP

managewp nemanja
  1. WordPress brought the concept of web development and content management to the masses in such a way that it allowed people who have zero coding experience to build a website for themselves and have their voices heard online.
  2. The other thing I love is its vibrant community – this is the driving force behind WordPress.

George from WPMUDEV

wordpress experts

I believe that WordPress offers the best CMS platform in many aspects!

  1. One of the main reasons to love WordPress is that it is open source, and the growing community is always in the urge to help (and improve this great platform).
  2. Of course, the reason it became so popular was the usability, and that anyone could quickly learn. Oh, and search engines loves WordPress too since there are excellent solutions to improve SEO rankings like our Infinite SEO plugin!

wpmudev david

David from WPMUDEV

  1. I used tons of CMS’s in the past myself, and it’s the ease-of-use, the whole workflow in WordPress, that decided it for me.
  2. Of course, the SEO benefits and community are super awesome as well!

Tom McFarlin from TOM MCFARLIN

tom mcfarlin

  1. One of the things that I love about WordPress are its constant development cycles that seek to better the software. There’s a lot of codes that makes up WordPress and sometimes its reputation precedes it; however, there are also a lot of really well-written parts and the commitment of the core contributors to constantly bettering the software while also maintaining backwards compatibility is important.
    For anyone who has worked on any-size-scale projects, then you know that upgrading an old version of WordPress to a new version of WordPress can be scary, but it’s relatively painless assuming that proper APIs have been used throughout the codebase of the given project.
  2. The second thing I appreciate about WordPress is the maturity of its API. I know that many would disagree with me here – and I’m not claiming it’s perfect – but the application has grown to a point where it can be used as a solid foundation for building web applications (of a certain flavor, at least), and that’s only going to continue to get better with time.

Adam Connell from WP SUPERSTARS

wp superstar adam

WordPress changed a lot for me, but there are two things that I love about the platform.

  1. The community – WordPress has such a great community right from those who contribute to the WordPress core/themes/plugins, etc., those who organize meet-ups and the super helpful people who are always willing to help out on forums. It’s awesome.
  2. There’s a plugin for just about anything – Most content management systems are limited in terms of functionality, but there is a plugin for almost any type of functionality you might want. And what if there’s functionality that doesn’t exist in a plugin yet? It’s probably not long till there’s a plugin for that too.

Fred from WP SHOUT

wpshout Fred-Meyer

  1. The overall ease with which you can accomplish amazing things. A theme can give you an attractively designed site in a few clicks, plugins extend functionality endlessly, WordPress functions do amazing things (like get a post’s contents without you ever having to think about querying the DB), the admin lets you easily integrate tons of kinds of media into your content, and so on. At its best, using WordPress feels like pressing a giant fast-forward button to lots of kinds of really great results.
  2. The community. Great people who love to help you learn.


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  1. Easy installation process, talking about 5 steps and you are good to go.
  2. As freelance web developer where WordPress is one of my favorite CMS to deliver the needed website to the client, it gives me the flexibility and ease to customize.

Panah from WPSOLVER

  1. There are many things to love about WordPress. For us, its versatility has been a game changer. We have been able to create some amazing custom solutions with WordPress for our sites. I love the fact that WordPress stays out of our way for the most part, allowing our team to develop custom solutions to connect better with our audience.
  2. No matter how great WordPress has become, it wouldn’t be special without the community of users and developers. Every day, there is something new to learn and someone new to gets inspired by. Even though I run WP Solver, most of our sites are about emerging technologies such as 3D printing, Bitcoin, and connected gadgets. I am always encouraged by how fast WordPress developers adopt new technologies and release free/premium plugins for the community to use. Whether you are looking for a plugin to show the status of your 3D printer, enable Bitcoin donations, or show workout stats from your smartwatch, there is a plugin out there for you.

Jeremy Herve from JEREMY.HU

jeremy herve

I’d say:

  1. The community, as it’s what made WordPress what it is today.
  2. It’s flexibility. You can use it for pretty much anything. Themes and plugins allow you to extend WordPress to add new functionality and transform to fit your needs.


david clements

  1. Undoubtedly, the best thing about WordPress is its open-source nature and the community that fosters that spirit. We all acknowledge and value the power in coming together and producing something of high-quality which we all benefit from. Whether donating time in developing plugins or themes, translation, producing tutorials or committing code, we all make WordPress the success it is by giving a little to get a lot.
  2. I also love how flexible WordPress is. With the ability to create custom post types, taxonomies, and templates, the possibilities are endless with WordPress. It’s one of the reasons that I continue to turn to it when trying to solve a problem. I’ve built several apps using WordPress and will continue to do so because it has all the tools I need.

Yoren from 1FIX.IO

1fix yoren

The 2 things I love about WP are:

  1. I can extend the functions with custom plugins
  2. No limits on the appearance.

Tran Ngoc Tuan Anh from DELUXE BLOG TIPS

deluxeblogtips tran

  1. Availability of resources: when you learn something new, you always need help. That help can come from documentation, code comment (I look a lot in comments in the core), tutorials, podcasts, forum discussions, online courses, ebooks or friends. And all these things are available in WordPress ecosystem, it’s even more when people love sharing things about WordPress. I don’t see any software in the world can have the similar thing.
  2. The opportunity to achieve our dreams: WordPress gives me a big opportunity to complete all ideas that I have in my mind, from websites for friends to complex systems for clients. It also helps me to build my own products (like my Meta Box plugin) for the community. No software I’ve used can do that!

Karan Chopra from JUST WP

justwp karan
  1. Simplicity – If you master the art of knowing things in and around like where to get the best WordPress theme (free or paid) for your website, the plugins you will be requiring, the imagination to bring the whole of WordPress site to real, I will give WordPress 10 on 10.
  2. Resources – With ever more and more people either developers, programmers, bloggers and even the end website owners – whatever you can count on it – the whole of WordPress community resulting into giving huge fuel up to the community, which makes WordPress a perfect choice for anyone to choose from.

Shilpa Shah from WPeKa

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  1. It’s super-intuitive – so you don’t have to spend time reading complex manuals
  2. The amount of freedom it gives you because of the GPL licensing is unbelievably awesome

Devesh Sharma from WP KUBE

wpkube devesh

  1. Awesome support – Most of the people involved in the WordPress community are extraordinary and very helpful. Recently, Dan Griffins (co-founder of Redux Framework) was in an emergency situation and needed $2500 in 24 hours. Within two hours of the initial call, he reached the goal. This is one of those moments when you can see how generous the WordPress community is those who need it most.
  2. Meeting new people – One of the most amazing things about WordPress is that it gives you an opportunity to meet new people and build meaningful relationships with them.

WPSpeak Team from WP Speak

2 main things I like most about WordPress are:

  1. The community
  2. Resources – With the big community, there is abundance of free and paid resources.

A Huge thank you to all of the WordPress experts who contributed in making this roundup possible!

This post took an enormous amount of time and energy – If you found it helpful, all I ask for is a simple share.:)


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